Our Vision
The Next Big Australian Iron Ore Development
Set out here is our planned configuration for rapidly moving into production. It requires minimal further analysis and summarises our vision and our blue print for construction of a rapid start-up project.
Starting from the port end - - -
Shipping of Concentrates to Market
Vessels will be loaded with concentrate from harbour cranes.
Concentrates will be shipped in chartered, geared bulk carriers
Port storage and rail transfer
Containers will be transferred and stored at the port then transferred to the ship loading area for loading to ship
Concentrate delivery Rail to Port
Unit trains (third party owned and operated) will bring concentrate from Olary to the harbour on the Australian Rail Track Company (ARTC) railroad and the concentrate containers will be loaded to vessels at the harbour.
Concentrate delivery Mine to Rail
Concentrate piped as a slurry from the mine process plant to the Railroad siding at Olary where it will be loaded into containers and trucked to the rail siding to be loaded to rail
Concentrate Process Plant at Mine
The process plant (financed as much as possible with export credits) will consist of Loesche Vertical Roller Mills for dry grinding in a single step from 100mm to liberation size. To make the magnetite concentrate we have a choice between dry magnetic separation and wet magnetic separation followed by hydro separation.
Mining Operations
Mining will be via conventional drill, blast, excavators, inpit crushers and conveyors to process plant